Visites à Labuan Bajo
Le merveilleux village de Waerebo
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À propos
Garantie Prix le Plus BasAnnulation gratuite
Âges : 0-99
Durée : 3 jours
Horaire de début : vérifier la disponibilité
Billet mobile
Guide : Anglais
- Déjeuner
- Petit déjeuner
- Dîner
- Déjeuner
- Petit déjeuner
- Déjeuner
- Dîner
- Hébergement petit-déjeuner inclus
- Frais d'entrée comme mentionné
- Véhicule climatisé
- Entrée – Flores
- Entrée – Wae Rebo Village
- Entrée – TPI Labuan Bajo
Ce qui n'est pas inclus- Pourboires
- Taxe d'aéroport/de départ
- Billets de vol
- Début :Plusieurs lieux de prise en charge proposés.Détails sur la prise en charge
- Navette gratuite dans la région de Labuan Bajo et à l'aéroport
Prise en charge à l'hôtel offerteVous pourrez choisir parmi la liste des hôtels inclus au moment du paiement.Prise en charge à l'aéroport offerteVous pourrez choisir parmi la liste des aéroports inclus au moment du paiement.- Mutiara Airport, Labuan Bajo, Flores Indonesia
Fin :Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous. - Non accessible en fauteuil roulant
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- 493gianlucam0 contributionTop visit of Komodo IslandsExcellente excursion aux iles de Komodo. Plusieurs iles, snorkeling, visite du park avec Dragon. Staff et service parfait. Je recommande vivementRédigé le 19 juillet 2023
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7 avis
Très bon
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Komodo Lomes
Labuan Bajo, Indonésie4 contributions
janv. 2024 • Voyage d'affaires
Beautyfull traditional village ever seen, good for hiking, very natural and fresh air. The forest has many farian of trees.
Écrit le 24 novembre 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Rome, Italie1 698 contributions
août 2023 • En couple
What to say? In Waerebo you have an experience! Already from below in the area you can enjoy a beautiful view, we ate in an open-air restaurant whose name I don't remember immersed in a rice field with chickens wandering around where it seemed as if time had stopped. A magical place. The climb to Waerebo begins with a ride on a scooter for a few kilometres. I don't know where I read that you can do without it but I think it is right to say that it is essential because the stretch is quite uphill and also sunny. The walk in the mountain is really tiring at times, quite steep and at times pleasant. There are many varieties of plants and flowers, many birds singing and some monkeys. The air you breathe is fresh and pleasant. You are truly out of this world. We arrived practically at night, the view still leaves you speechless. We slept in a hut with 25 people, it was fun but tiring because you sleep badly and sharing the bathroom with so many people isn't the best. We eat sitting on the ground, typical or almost typical foods, rice, eggs... In the morning we take a tour of the village and take part in the ritual which I found quite touristy but the place is really worth a visit. I don't know whether to recommend staying overnight or instead paying a visit from morning to night, I can say that in the morning we were truly devastated for not having slept a wink, I leave the choice up to you, but the experience was still positive.
Écrit le 5 septembre 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Singapour, Singapour931 contributions
avr. 2023 • Entre amis
- The view at the village is magical
- By sleeping together with the other travellers, you get to interact and make friends
- Hostel style sleeping arrangement
- Cold water for shower
- Simple dinner/Breakfast (Vege and egg only)
- Trekking up to the village is tough, 3hrs uphill
- The view at the village is magical
- By sleeping together with the other travellers, you get to interact and make friends
- Hostel style sleeping arrangement
- Cold water for shower
- Simple dinner/Breakfast (Vege and egg only)
- Trekking up to the village is tough, 3hrs uphill
Écrit le 28 juillet 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Mara D
Jakarta, Indonésie6 contributions
août 2022 • Entre amis
Sconsigliato a chi non è allenato alle salite in montagna. Sono 15 km. di passeggiata molto faticosa, ma per arrivare in un villaggio dove la pace e la serenità regnano sovrani. Consiglio di assaporare in pieno l’esperienza dormendo nel villaggio. Dimora spartana ma Esperienza molto positiva! È chiaro che i tratti in salita poi al ritorno sono in discesa! Procurarsi un bastone in partenza ed approfittare dei ragazzi con i motorini che con poche rupie vi accompagnano nel primo tratto di strada
Écrit le 16 août 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Kediri, Indonésie12 contributions
janv. 2020 • En famille
You need to walk about 2,5-3 hours for hiking depend on on your speed. You need to sleep in the local house with another visitors. At night freezing on December. You can have local people to bring your backpack if you don't want to bring for your own. Don't take any pictures once you arrived at the village. You need to take an honour to the leader of the village who will give you speach and ceremony to welcome you first.
Écrit le 6 décembre 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
2 contributions
juil. 2019
From Labuan Bajo, it was a 3-hour drive, after it, we were put on a scooter for a 15-minute drive and then it just all started. 3 hours non-stop hiking up. Quiet hard but totally worth it! A beautiful setting where you see the locals put the hard work in drying the coffee beans every morning, very nice to see.
Btw: I would strongly advise you to buy bring some coffee to your home country, it's amazing!
Btw: I would strongly advise you to buy bring some coffee to your home country, it's amazing!
Écrit le 5 mars 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Las Vegas, NV177 contributions
juil. 2019
It's a great place to check on Waerebo Village. We started by our private small bus, and then continued a bit by motor bike then hike for 1.5 hours up. It's a bit slippery when wet so be very careful. My husband fell down and hurt his hips. DO NOT stay over night there - its very basic, You sleep in a big room w/20 people from all over the world on a mat and wooden floor. You eat together with them. There is only 2 bathroom and one squat toilet for all. No hot water so prepared to take a cold shower on a wet floor with a bucket. I can't even brush my teeth -saving my drinking water to brush in the morning. Did not sleep well, too hard and sleeping with 20 people from all over the world? Food served is OK rice and pieces of chicken. Morning - rice and omelette + their well known coffee. Can't wait to go back to decent hotel. Motor bike ride for 7 km(?) was good - reminds of school days.
Do take a day trip and start early so you will be down by evening. Don't stay over night. All the foreigner NONE want to use the restroom or bathroom. It's ICKY....!
The view is very nice, misty, foggy and there is a friendly brown dog called RUNNER. He goes out with the men when they visit the forest. Waerebo is beautiful but I would not stay a night there. You can make it in a day.
Do take a day trip and start early so you will be down by evening. Don't stay over night. All the foreigner NONE want to use the restroom or bathroom. It's ICKY....!
The view is very nice, misty, foggy and there is a friendly brown dog called RUNNER. He goes out with the men when they visit the forest. Waerebo is beautiful but I would not stay a night there. You can make it in a day.
Écrit le 11 décembre 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
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