Visite privée de 2 jours: lever de soleil sur Angkor, Banteay Srei, montagne Kulen, Beng Mealea

Visite privée de 2 jours: lever de soleil sur Angkor, Banteay Srei, montagne Kulen, Beng Mealea

Par Angkor Special Tours
Recommandé par 100 % des voyageurs
100 % des contributeurs ont attribué à ce produit une note de 4 ou plus.
Qu'est-ce que Travellers' Choice ?
Tripadvisor remet un prix Travellers' Choice aux hébergements, attractions et restaurants qui reçoivent régulièrement de très bons avis de la part des voyageurs et qui sont classés parmi les meilleurs 10 % des établissements sur Tripadvisor.
Découvrez l'une des Sept Merveilles du Monde avec un magnifique lever de soleil à Angkor Wat et le plus grand temple religieux du monde. Visitez les ruines du temple Bayon. Ce temple bouddhiste a de nombreux grands visages sculptés de Bouddha. Explorez l'ancien temple de la jungle, Ta Prohm, et observez les racines géantes des arbres qui poussent sur la structure du temple. Admirez les plus belles sculptures de temples antiques du temple de Banteay Srei. Ce temple est réputé pour posséder certaines des meilleures sculptures de temples au monde et des meilleures du Cambodge. La montagne Kulen est l'une des montagnes les plus sacrées du Cambodge. Explorez la nature environnante de la montagne Kulen et voyez où le film Tomb Raider a été tourné. Nagez dans la cascade fraîche et admirez les 1000 Lingas construits sur la rivière Sainte. Visitez le grand Bouddha couché au sommet de la montagne. Le bouddha Le temple Beng Mealea est niché dans la jungle. Explorez les ruines antiques de ce temple intact et émerveillez-vous devant les arbres et la végétation qui poussent des murs de pierre. vue de la vie locale, rizière ..
Garantie Prix le Plus BasAnnulation gratuite

Âges : 0-120
Durée : 2 jours
Horaire de début : vérifier la disponibilité
Billet mobile
Guide : Anglais

  • guide touristique pour tous les temples principaux, transport (voiture climatisée ou fourgonnette), eau froide et serviettes froides.
Ce qui n'est pas inclus
  • Pourboire, Tous les frais d’entrée, tels que billet pour Angkor, Kulen, repas du Beng, repas ou autres dépenses propres
  • Entrée – Angkor Vat
  • Entrée – Phnom Kulen National Park

Début :Plusieurs lieux de prise en charge proposés.
    Détails sur la prise en charge
    • Nous récupérons nos clients à l'hôtel dans la ville de Siem Reap.
    Prise en charge à l'hôtel offerte
    Vous pourrez choisir parmi la liste des hôtels inclus au moment du paiement.
      Fin :Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous.

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        • Angkor Special Tours
          1 391
          Siem Reap, Cambodge
          Membre depuis juillet 2013
        • Michael S
          0 contribution
          5,0 sur 5 bulles
          Angkor Special Tours, guide Pin Vannak
          Superbe journée organisée par Pin Vannak pour visiter l'essentiel des temples d'Angkor et finir par le masterpiece d'Angkor Wat. Pin est ponctuel et attentionné et toujours disposé à fournir des informations précises et illustrees sur les visites. A faire sans hésiter !
          Rédigé le 26 octobre 2017
        • Jndelfanne
          0 contribution
          5,0 sur 5 bulles
          Très agréable tour privé des temples d'Angkor
          Service impeccable. Ponctualité. Flexibilité du guide suivant nos demandes. Ni trop peu ni trop de commentaires sur les endroits visités et grand savoir face à mes nombreuses questions. Un vrai plaisir pendant deux jours pour un prix plus que raisonnable. Je recommande vivement ces tours guidés.
          Rédigé le 18 janvier 2017
        • Anton F
          0 contribution
          5,0 sur 5 bulles
          Excellent English Guide for French people!
          Notre séjour au Cambodge a été motivé par la découverte des fameux temples d'Angkor Wat. Plus que le plaisir des yeux accessible à tous les visiteurs, Vannak a enrichi notre séjour de par l'histoire des temples que nous avons visités ainsi qu'avec sa bonne humeur et son désir de partager sa culture. Etant nous même Français, nous avons communiqué en anglais sans difficulté, aspect qui nous a aussi bien dépaysé dans le flot des touristes français rencontrés dans les temples. Vannack est quelqu'un de très disponible et toujours à l'écoute des besoins rencontrés par les voyageurs. Il est certain que notre voyage aurait été différent sans son implication ! Encore un grand merci à lui! Our trip in Cambodia has been motivated by the discovery of the great Angkor Wat temples. Nearby this wonderful eye pleasure open for every tourist, Vannak provided us complementary history about the temples and Cambodia as we were in a tale with his well being and his enthusiasm to share his culture. As French people, we spoke with him in English without any difficulty. This was a pleasant experience, being apart by speaking English, as there were a lot of French tourists visiting the temples. Vannak is someone always available and open minding, answering every question we asked!Our trip would have been different if we didn't met him! Thanks a lot Vannak!
          Rédigé le 28 décembre 2013
        Tout afficher (1 391 avis)
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        5,0 sur 5 bulles10 avis
        Très bon

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        Maclean R
        3 contributions
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        oct. 2024 • En famille
        My wife and I visited Siem Reap for four days and it was one of our best vacations ever! The history of the place, the natural beauty and resources, the lovely food and above all the genuine simplicity and goodness of the people. We were fortunate to also have a great guide in Pin Vannek and an experienced driver in Lee. They were friendly, professional and most helpful with their tips and ofcourse sharing the rich and sometimes unfortunate historical challenges! We promised them that we will be their Ambassadors and also return with our larger family!
        Écrit le 10 octobre 2024
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear macleanr2024, We are glad you enjoy our services on your recent trip to Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide helps tourists understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interests and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate it if you can inform your friends, family, and other people about your tour with us so we can have the opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 11 octobre 2024
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

        Rober P
        2 contributions
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        août 2024 • En couple
        Thank you very much for everything Pin, you have given us the best possible experience, not only for your detailed explanations about the temples we have visited, but for your great knowledge of Cambodian customs, culture and history.
        Écrit le 1 septembre 2024
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear 867roberp, We are glad you enjoy our services on your recent trip to Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide helps tourists understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interests and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate it if you can inform your friends, family, and other people about your tour with us so we can have the opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 15 septembre 2024
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

        Phnom Penh, Cambodge5 contributions
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        sept. 2024 • En couple
        Our Pin guide has been wonderful! Attentive, friendly, with lots of information and always willing to help us in everything. Makes spectacular photos!!! Highly recommended!!!
        Écrit le 1 septembre 2024
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear 831679542948, We are glad you enjoy our services on your recent trip to Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide helps tourists understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interests and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate it if you can inform your friends, family, and other people about your tour with us so we can have the opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 15 septembre 2024
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

        Ram R
        3 contributions
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        juil. 2024 • En famille
        We had an amazing experience with Angkor special tours. From the first email, the team was very responsive and helped us choose the right itinerary.

        Special mention about our guide Mr. THEAN who was very knowledgeable about the history of every place we visited. He explained patiently the story behind every structure and sculpture and made it enjoyable. His witty way of explaining history made us pay full attention and made the whole experience unforgettable.

        Our driver Mr. Tuna took care of us with his safe driving and offering us cold water and towels after every temple visit on a hot sunny day.

        Overall an amazing experience and will highly recommend Angkor special tours.
        Écrit le 3 juillet 2024
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear ramrH8768RD, We are glad you enjoy our services on your recent trip to Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide helps tourists understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interests and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate it if you can inform your friends, family, and other people about your tour with us so we can have the opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 8 juillet 2024
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

        Utah220 contributions
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        avr. 2024 • En couple
        This tour was so amazing and we were so glad that we opted for a private tour. Our tour guide, Thean, was so very knowledgeable - like a walking encyclopedia! We overheard what some other guides were telling their guests and they did not get nearly the information and rich stories that we heard. It was extremely hot when we visited - so much so that I worried that I wouldn't make it through the full tour. Thean varied the plan to cater to us - sticking more to the shady areas while he taught us, hurrying through sunny and less interesting spots, and even loaned me his fan. It was exactly what we wanted. He even knew where to tell us to stand to get the best angle on some photos and took some great photos for us. We had our own comfortable van with air conditioning, and the driver always had cool water and towels for us when we climbed in. Highly recommend this operator and Thean!
        Écrit le 6 mai 2024
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear Jdivemaster, We are glad you enjoy our services on your recent trip to Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide helps tourists understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interests and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate it if you can inform your friends, family, and other people about your tour with us so we can have the opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 28 mai 2024
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

        Som S
        3 contributions
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        mars 2024 • En couple
        The place is ancient, spectacular and fascinating. Our guide was very knowledgeable and informative and addressed all our requirements to make our trip comfortable, informative and memorable.
        Écrit le 10 mars 2024
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear SomKanti, We are glad you enjoy our services on your recent trip to Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide helps tourists understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interests and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate it if you can inform your friends, family, and other people about your tour with us so we can have the opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 28 mai 2024
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

        William S
        Littleton, CO4 contributions
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        févr. 2024 • En famille
        Our tour guide Mr. Thean was very good explaining the history at every temple and he had a sense of humor. We also felt very comfortable with Mr. Vanndy at the wheel of our air conditioned luxury vehicle. I would highly recommend this tour company. Top notch professionals that offered flexibility to our itinerary.
        Écrit le 23 février 2024
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear G3893BCwilliams, We are glad you enjoy our services on your recent trip to Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide helps tourists understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interests and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate it if you can inform your friends, family, and other people about your tour with us so we can have the opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 28 mai 2024
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

        Bologne, Italie3 contributions
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        déc. 2019 • En famille
        I travel quite often and have visited many ancient complexes, including the Egyptian pyramids and Mayan temples in Central America. When my family and I tour these locations we like to book tour guides to elevate the experience and to understand local culture.

        Pin Vannak was our guide on this particular trip, taking us through the ancient ruins, temples, and mountains of Siem Reap. He was an excellent and informative guide, ready to answer any questions we had. He accommodated all of our requests and adapted the itinerary according to our needs and what we wanted to see (for example—and I would recommend this—we decided to explore Angkor Wat immediately after seeing the sunrise there as it was much cooler and less crowded, instead of seeing it on the previous day in the afternoon which was in the original plan). Pin was great at pointing out the differences between sites and highlighting their best qualities. For example, Banteay Srei is a beautifully preserved temple using a different type of material from the Angkor Wat complex, and was actually built by the King’s advisor (hence its smaller, humbler size). He also told us about the myth of the monkey and demon war (this war is depicted across the exterior walls of Angkor Wat). We loved hearing all these stories.

        My husband and I are both in the art industry so we were interested in repatriation policies and foundational knowledge of local crafts and culture, which we discussed at length with Pin. He also suggested the best places to take photos and to study the ancient engravings and relief markings in the various temples. I am sure he can adapt to any family’s/visitor’s needs and we were very impressed by his depth of knowledge, curiosity and generosity (we learned he also teaches English to underprivileged children and knows a bit of Russian!).
        Écrit le 29 décembre 2019
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear LonelyPancake, We glad you enjoy our services on your recently trip in Siem Reap,Angkor,Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide help tourist understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interest and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate if you can inform your friends, family and other people about your tour with us so we can have opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 30 décembre 2019
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

        London26 contributions
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        Pin is our guide in Siem Reap. He organised our tour from start to finish with perfection. Very informative and knowledge about all the sites. He is very attentive to all our needs. He suggested things and places for us to visit even after the tour is finished. I would highly recommend him to anyone who wishes to visit this wonderful place.
        Écrit le 28 décembre 2019
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear hopeful_phil, We glad you enjoy our services on your recently trip in Siem Reap,Angkor,Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide help tourist understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interest and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate if you can inform your friends, family and other people about your tour with us so we can have opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 29 décembre 2019
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

        1 contribution
        5,0 sur 5 bulles
        déc. 2019 • En famille
        Pin was GREAT!!! Very nice and informative - concerned for my wellbeing at all times, sometimes I was quite weak seeming and he was very happy to accommodate to my needs! THANK YOU PIN
        Écrit le 28 décembre 2019
        Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
        Dear emilie1608, We glad you enjoy our services on your recently trip in Siem Reap,Angkor,Cambodia. Thank you for your review. the detail you provide help tourist understand how we will be able to adopt tours according to their interest and requests. We hope we can serve you again and also appreciate if you can inform your friends, family and other people about your tour with us so we can have opportunity to serve them as well.
        Écrit le 29 décembre 2019
        Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

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        Visite privée de 2 jours: lever de soleil sur Angkor, Banteay Srei, montagne Kulen, Beng Mealea proposé par Angkor Special Tours

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