Kenau and Ripperda Monument
Kenau and Ripperda Monument
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19 avis
Très bon
Royaume-Uni11 633 contributions
juil. 2024 • En couple
If like us, you arrive in Haarlem by train, you will see this statue of two local folk heroes, Kenau and Ripperda, as soon as you step outside the train station.
The names are not well known outside of the Netherlands but in Haarlem, they are celebrated as resistance fighters who bravely defended the city against the Spanish in the 16th century siege of Haarlem.
For 7 months, from December 1572 - July 1573, the Spanish invaders held the city in a bloody siege, starving the city before it finally surrendered.
Both have a defiant stance. Neither look like the type to back down.
Baron Wigbolt Ripperda is on the right. He was the city governor at the time and inspired the citizens to hold fast and not give up. He has a piratical air and wears a jaunty hat, knee high boots and carries a long handled pike that looks as if it could cause a pretty nasty injury.
Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer is on the left. With a fierce and unyielding stare, she looks ready to take on the enemy.
Legends and stories have grown up around Kenau. A widow and an independent businesswoman, it is often said that she led an army of 300 women against the Spanish. However there is not a lot of concrete evidence for this. It seems much more likely that she, along with other women, were involved in the helping protect the town’s defences by repairing walls and reinforcing tunnels and the like.
Kenau survived the siege by escaping and was able to later return to Haarlem where she resumed her timber business. However Ripperda, a much more prominent figure, was captured and was taken to the Grote Markt in the centre of town, where he was publicly beheaded.
The modern work is by local sculptor, Graziella Curreli.
The statue is a good orientation point when you first arrive in Haarlem. From the train station, head towards it and keep going down the road, to head into the city centre.
The names are not well known outside of the Netherlands but in Haarlem, they are celebrated as resistance fighters who bravely defended the city against the Spanish in the 16th century siege of Haarlem.
For 7 months, from December 1572 - July 1573, the Spanish invaders held the city in a bloody siege, starving the city before it finally surrendered.
Both have a defiant stance. Neither look like the type to back down.
Baron Wigbolt Ripperda is on the right. He was the city governor at the time and inspired the citizens to hold fast and not give up. He has a piratical air and wears a jaunty hat, knee high boots and carries a long handled pike that looks as if it could cause a pretty nasty injury.
Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer is on the left. With a fierce and unyielding stare, she looks ready to take on the enemy.
Legends and stories have grown up around Kenau. A widow and an independent businesswoman, it is often said that she led an army of 300 women against the Spanish. However there is not a lot of concrete evidence for this. It seems much more likely that she, along with other women, were involved in the helping protect the town’s defences by repairing walls and reinforcing tunnels and the like.
Kenau survived the siege by escaping and was able to later return to Haarlem where she resumed her timber business. However Ripperda, a much more prominent figure, was captured and was taken to the Grote Markt in the centre of town, where he was publicly beheaded.
The modern work is by local sculptor, Graziella Curreli.
The statue is a good orientation point when you first arrive in Haarlem. From the train station, head towards it and keep going down the road, to head into the city centre.
Écrit le 9 juillet 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Alpharetta, Géorgie17 369 contributions
juil. 2022
This is a statue of local folk heroes which stands in the square in front of the train station in Haarlem. You will pass it as you walk to the city center.
Écrit le 12 septembre 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Heemskerk, Pays-Bas1 176 contributions
avr. 2021
Een mooi beeld geplaatst vlakbij het busstation van Haarlem, de afgebeeldenden zijn twee belangrijke figuren in de historie van Haarlem. Namen een prominente plaats in durende het beleg van Haarlem tijdens de 80 jarige oorlog.
Écrit le 8 avril 2021
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Andrey Nikonov
Kolomna, Russie11 937 contributions
sept. 2019
Хороший памятник защитникам города установлен на привокзальной площади. Красиво исполнены статуи мужчины (Wigbolt Ripperda) и женщины (Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer). Работа скульптора Грациеллы Куррели (Graziella Curreli). Заинтересовались историей героев скульптурного произведения. Интересно и познавательно.
Écrit le 5 novembre 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Salamanque, Espagne14 862 contributions
juil. 2019 • En couple
Este Monumento,de cuatro metros de altura,que consiste en,un Pedestal bajo y sobre él,las figuras en bronce de un hombre y una mujer,de cuerpo entero,está situado en la Plaza de la Estación de Haarlem;se trata de Kenau y Ripperda y es un claro homenaje a esta pareja qué,durante el asedio sufrido por la ciudad de Haarlem durante 1572-73,lideró su defensa.
Écrit le 6 août 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Glasgow, UK186 766 contributions
juil. 2019 • En solo
This monument stands in tribute to a couple of heroes of the Siege of Haarlem that lasted from December 1572 to July 1573 and part of the Eighty Years War. The man shown on the sculpture is the city-governor Wigbolt Ripperda and commander of the city defences and the woman is Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer, who became a legendary folk hero for her part in the defence of the city. Although it's disputed if Kenau or indeed any women participated in the defence.
Regardless, the sculpture are very nice tribute to an ultimately futile defence. The two are depicted, standing strong and proud with a posture and look of defiance emanating throughout. Worth a look if arriving in Haarlem station, as it's just across from the exit.
Regardless, the sculpture are very nice tribute to an ultimately futile defence. The two are depicted, standing strong and proud with a posture and look of defiance emanating throughout. Worth a look if arriving in Haarlem station, as it's just across from the exit.
Écrit le 29 juillet 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Mads H
Hornindal, Norvège9 contributions
juil. 2019 • En solo
The statue of the man and the woman is amazing. Very tall, muscular man, dressed in clothes of the era and a spike. The woman is slightly smaller, but also very tall, proud, strong. Clearly the Spanish were up against stiff resistance! Great stuff!
Écrit le 27 juillet 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Hong Kong, Chine178 243 contributions
juin 2019 • En couple
An interesting monument to see in Haarlem is that of Kenau and Ripperda at Stationplein in front of the Haarlem rail station. These were two key figures in the defence of Haarlem during the Spanish siege of the city in 1572-73.
The monument is the work of sculpture Graziella Curreli and was erected here around 2010. What you see is a fine figure of Captain Wigbolt Ripperda who is in holding a pike. Next to him is the figure of Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer, who is standing proudly, tucking her hair into hat. They stand back to back yet looking forward in the same directly.
The monument is a nice image and something worth spending a few minutes to enjoy and learn about, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the Spanish conflict with the Dutch in what is known as the 80 year war.
The monument is the work of sculpture Graziella Curreli and was erected here around 2010. What you see is a fine figure of Captain Wigbolt Ripperda who is in holding a pike. Next to him is the figure of Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer, who is standing proudly, tucking her hair into hat. They stand back to back yet looking forward in the same directly.
The monument is a nice image and something worth spending a few minutes to enjoy and learn about, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the Spanish conflict with the Dutch in what is known as the 80 year war.
Écrit le 17 juillet 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Vezzano Ligure, Italie3 554 contributions
avr. 2019 • En couple
Sono stato a vedere questo monumento con la mia ragazza durante una gita ad Haarlem, cittadina olandese vicino ad Amsterdam. La scultura si trova nella piazza della stazione ferroviaria ed è in una zona pedonale. Il monumento rappresenta due contadini olandesi vestiti con gli abiti tipici. Si tratta di una scultura che difficilmente passerà inosservata al vostro arrivo ad Haarlem via treno.
Écrit le 19 juin 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Andrzej R
Varsovie, Pologne6 226 contributions
mars 2019 • En couple
Przed Dworcem Kolejowym Haarlem stoi wzniesiony w 2011 pomnik Wigbolta Ripperdy (1535-1573) i legendarnej Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer (1526 -1588), pary bohaterskich obrońców Haarlemu podczas wielomiesięcznego oblężenia miasta przez Hiszpanów w latach 1572–1573. Wigbolt został stracony wraz z innymi walczącymi mieszkańcami. Podobno pomnik nie podobał się haarlemianom, więcej w nim erotyki niż heroizmu.
Écrit le 23 mai 2019
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