Shatili Medieval Fortress Village
Shatili Medieval Fortress Village
Shatili Medieval Fortress Village
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Shatili Medieval Fortress Village et attractions proches : les meilleures façons d'en profiter
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13 avis
Très bon
Lorella v
7 contributions
juil. 2023 • En couple
La strada è sterrata negli ultimi 40 chilometri. Con un fuoristrada si fa tranquillamente, ho visto diverse macchine normali salire. Volkswagen Polo, Honda Jazz, ecc.
Écrit le 5 juillet 2023
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Tel Aviv, Israël235 contributions
sept. 2019 • Entre amis
we arrived to shatili after making a trek to the 3 lake « abudelauri » we slept at a nice guest house called green house
manage by 2 nice women
in the guest house few rooms with bad and hot shower and dinner
extra payement for beer and alcohol .
from shatili u can walk to mutso 12 km walking to the fortress or take a car , the road very nice
climbing to the fortress there is about 30 min beautiful view
also in shatili there the medivali fortress
u can walk by foot its free and nice , climbing is 5-7 min view very nice and when u reach the end in the write side there a fence u can walk through it and u will reach to a nice valley when u can walk around for a day trek
the road from shatili back to tabilisi is about 130 km and around 5 hour
very recommend
manage by 2 nice women
in the guest house few rooms with bad and hot shower and dinner
extra payement for beer and alcohol .
from shatili u can walk to mutso 12 km walking to the fortress or take a car , the road very nice
climbing to the fortress there is about 30 min beautiful view
also in shatili there the medivali fortress
u can walk by foot its free and nice , climbing is 5-7 min view very nice and when u reach the end in the write side there a fence u can walk through it and u will reach to a nice valley when u can walk around for a day trek
the road from shatili back to tabilisi is about 130 km and around 5 hour
very recommend
Écrit le 18 septembre 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Михаил П
Almaty, Kazakhstan114 contributions
juil. 2019
Мы посетили Шатили и окрестности на своем внедорожнике в июле 2019 года. От Тбилиси около 150 км. Из них где-то 80км. грунтовки неплохого качества, по которой, я бы не поехал на авто с низким клиренсом. Хотя в настоящее время полным ходом идет строительство новой дороги. И возможно через год-два будет асфальт. На дорогу ушло около 7-8 часов с остановками на фотографирование, вылазками в соседние ущелья , а также несколько раз ждали когда строительная техника очистит дорогу от развороченного грунта. Это наверно и к лучшему т.к нет такого наплыва туристов как в других местах Грузии. По дороге обратите внимание на тоннели слева от дороги, это все что осталось от грандиозного советского проекта соединить железнодорожным сообщением Чечено-Ингушетию и Грузию. Разговоры по поводу возобновления строительства идут до сих пор. Крепость Шатили еще сохраняет свою аутентичность, хотя вокруг уже много следов современности, которые постоянно лезут в кадр. Много гестхаусов где можно заночевать и покушать, можно забронировать через букин. Приезжать с ночевкой т.к обязательно нужно посмотреть Анаторские чумные могильники и крепость Муцо. Поднимаясь к Муцо, сходите на противоположный хребет, откуда крепость видна полностью и получатся замечательные фото. Возвращаясь обратно, мы около 1.5-2 часов ждали когда расчистят оползень сошедший ночью на дорогу.
Écrit le 10 août 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Toronto, Canada3 contributions
juin 2019 • En solo
The road to Shatili is in very poor condition. It's a single lane for both directions, unpaved and often crumbling away into a gorge right up to the edge of the car's tires. Sometimes you have to get out of the car and heave a large rock out of the road so it doesn't rip open the underside of your vehicle; it fell off the mountain since the last car was through. In Canada, we would be generous to call that a logging road.
I attempted to get up to Shatili on June 5, 2019, with a 4x4 and a driver. We got over the Datvisjvari Pass, but about 10 km short of our destination we found five or six other SUVs parked, and the road completely washed out by the river it ran next to. Some workmen sadly contemplated their broken down Soviet-era bulldozer. We had to go back over the pass at twilight and find alternate accomodation in Roshka instead. The last I heard, the following night, the road was still not fixed and some travellers were still trapped in Shatili. If you go, leave plenty of time for Murphy's Law to have its way with your itinerary, and bring extra food with you. That road will wash out again.
I attempted to get up to Shatili on June 5, 2019, with a 4x4 and a driver. We got over the Datvisjvari Pass, but about 10 km short of our destination we found five or six other SUVs parked, and the road completely washed out by the river it ran next to. Some workmen sadly contemplated their broken down Soviet-era bulldozer. We had to go back over the pass at twilight and find alternate accomodation in Roshka instead. The last I heard, the following night, the road was still not fixed and some travellers were still trapped in Shatili. If you go, leave plenty of time for Murphy's Law to have its way with your itinerary, and bring extra food with you. That road will wash out again.
Écrit le 11 juin 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Eugen V
Vienne, Autriche304 contributions
août 2018
If you are fan of mountain off-roading adventures and lover of medieval villages’ highland architecture, you have to visit this historical place.
The trip is very much weather dependent - official advising is to plan this trip between June and September - and my additional advice is to plan it for more days, to be able to enjoy the whole beauties around.
The trip is very much weather dependent - official advising is to plan this trip between June and September - and my additional advice is to plan it for more days, to be able to enjoy the whole beauties around.
Écrit le 11 août 2018
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Leif S
Faaborg, Danemark92 contributions
juil. 2018 • Entre amis
Er man på de kanter, så må man ikke snyde sig selv for at besøge den gamle bydel i Shatili. Fantastisk sted. Her mærker man virkelig historiens vingesus når man går rundt i gaderne. Fantastisk at forstille sig hvordan livet har måtte udspille sig her, de byen havde sin storhedstid. Det kunne, med lidt formidling og en del istandsættelse blive en kæmpe turistattraktion. Især savnede vi bare en lille smule information om stedet. En enkelt plance eller 2 hist og her, ville have gjort oplevelse endnu bedre..
Écrit le 14 juillet 2018
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Salon P
Tel Aviv, Israël11 contributions
juin 2018 • En couple
Это экстрим!!!...Дорога в Шатили очень красивая,природа обалденная...но обязательно с собой нужно братькосервы,сухую колбасу...т.к. магазинов там нет...есть один маленький,если это можно назвать магазином...но кроме лимонада и макаронов там ничего нет...пентхаузы предлагают только завтрак и ужин...
Écrit le 12 juillet 2018
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Andreas T
Francfort, Allemagne595 contributions
mai 2018 • En solo
Shatili ist eines der Topziele in Georgien soweit Wetter und Straßenverhältnisse den Besuch zulassen. Die letzten 35km der Zufahrt (insgesamt 100km ab der Hauptstraße) führen über teilweise etwas rauhe aber gut instand gehaltene Pisten.
Die Fahrt über den Bärenpass ist für 4x4 oder Fahrzeuge mit Bodenfreiheit problemlos möglich. (Erst ab ca. Mitte Mai, Beschilderung beachten und entgegenkommende Fahrzeuge fragen)
In Shatili angekommen stehen mehrere kleine Guesthouses zur Verfügung.
(ich war im GH Twins am Ortseingang, 60 Lari inkl. Frühstück und Abendessen)
Der Besuch des alten Ortsteils mit Wehrburgen ist lohnenswert und problemlos.
Unbedingt empfehlenswert ist der Ausflug und der etwas anstrengende Aufstieg ins alte Wehrdorf Mutso (8km einfache Piste)
Die Fahrt über den Bärenpass ist für 4x4 oder Fahrzeuge mit Bodenfreiheit problemlos möglich. (Erst ab ca. Mitte Mai, Beschilderung beachten und entgegenkommende Fahrzeuge fragen)
In Shatili angekommen stehen mehrere kleine Guesthouses zur Verfügung.
(ich war im GH Twins am Ortseingang, 60 Lari inkl. Frühstück und Abendessen)
Der Besuch des alten Ortsteils mit Wehrburgen ist lohnenswert und problemlos.
Unbedingt empfehlenswert ist der Ausflug und der etwas anstrengende Aufstieg ins alte Wehrdorf Mutso (8km einfache Piste)
Écrit le 21 mai 2018
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Cadelbosco di Sopra, Italie78 contributions
août 2017
Ci vogliono almeno 4 ore di strada sterrata per raggiungere Shatili dal vertice basso del lago artificiale di Ananuri, ma ne vale la pena senza ombra di dubbio. Conviene affittare un'auto con un minimo di assetto fuoristrada (una Duster va benissimo) per non restare bloccati se dovesse piovere. Si attraversano vallate incredibilil popolate solo da pecore e pastori (attenti ai cani!) con viste mozzafiato sul panorama circostante, poi ogni tanto mozziconi di torri di guardia in pietra. Infine si arriva e d'improvviso si apre questa incredibile visione di un villaggio di pietra incastonato nella roccia, con un torrente che scorre ai suoi piedi. Gli abitanti (pochissimi) si sono tutti spostati sul piano sottostante, stanno cominciando a costruire degli alberghetti perché si sono accorti dell'interesse che il posto suscita negli stranieri. Noi abbiamo dormito e mangiato nell'unico posto finora agibile, una casa privata con tre stanze e bagno in comune. Ci si può aggirare dentro al villaggio arrampicandosi per gli stretti sentieri che aggirano le case, curiosare dentro di esse, ammirarne l'architettura. I più audaci arrivano a piedi (circa due ore) a una propaggine del villaggio ancora più in alto, ma ne restano solo rovine. Chi vive qui, d'inverno, causa la neve che rende impraticabile la strada, resta tagliato fuori dal resto del mondo per 6 mesi. Un'esperienza indimenticabile.
Écrit le 4 février 2018
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Ruska K
2 contributions
juil. 2017 • Entre amis
Shatili is a must go place in Georgia. Medieval stone towers and houses with amazing location creates perfect place for camping and hiking
Écrit le 19 janvier 2018
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Hi, is this village accesible in early May by rent a car ?
Rédigé le 11 mars 2018
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