Anzac Bridge
Anzac Bridge
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54 avis
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Greater Sydney, Australie25 769 contributions
mai 2023
Dedicated to the serviceman and woman of the military, is this impressive concrete structure, probably not a stand alone attraction however, worth a look.
Écrit le 6 juillet 2023
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Dan L
Bunbury, Australie9 013 contributions
nov. 2022
Crossed the bridge as we headed to the Blue Mountains, our driver telling us that the bridge was toll free but might change in the not too distant future. Unfortunately, we couldn't stop to view the monuments at either end. Impressive construction, spanning Johnstone Bay, and the longest cable-stayed span bridge in Australia. Opened in 1995.
Écrit le 25 décembre 2022
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Royaume-Uni12 133 contributions
févr. 2022
This is not the Harbour Bridge so few tourists will seek it out unless they have a lot of time on their hands.
Opened in 1995, the ANZAC Bridge is a modern 8-lane cable bridge with a 345 metre span and leads from the CBD to the Inner West and northern suburbs.
From a distance, it’s very striking but unless you are walking or cycling across it, you won’t see much the detail.
The details that are worth seeing are the two 4m tall bronze statues of WWI ANZAC soldiers, one at either end of the bridge.
The NZ soldier stands on the city side and the Australian at the other end. A handful of sand from Gallipoli (Turkey) rests under the foot of the Aussie digger. It’s a very moving way to remember those who fell and were buried at the Gallipoli Battlefield. 8700 Australians and 2779 New Zealanders lost their lives in the disastrous Gallipoli campaign. This amounted to about a sixth of all those who landed on the peninsula.
We recently viewed the Anzac Bridge from the Glebe Foreshore Walking Trail. Whilst you cannot see the soldiers from this distance, it is a great point from which to see not just the Anzac Bridge but also the old Glebe Island Bridge (built 1890) and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. From here, you can see all 3 bridges lined up together. The metal and steel span of the Anzac Bridge towers over the historic Glebe Island Swing Bridge below and in the background, is the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It makes an excellent photo.
Opened in 1995, the ANZAC Bridge is a modern 8-lane cable bridge with a 345 metre span and leads from the CBD to the Inner West and northern suburbs.
From a distance, it’s very striking but unless you are walking or cycling across it, you won’t see much the detail.
The details that are worth seeing are the two 4m tall bronze statues of WWI ANZAC soldiers, one at either end of the bridge.
The NZ soldier stands on the city side and the Australian at the other end. A handful of sand from Gallipoli (Turkey) rests under the foot of the Aussie digger. It’s a very moving way to remember those who fell and were buried at the Gallipoli Battlefield. 8700 Australians and 2779 New Zealanders lost their lives in the disastrous Gallipoli campaign. This amounted to about a sixth of all those who landed on the peninsula.
We recently viewed the Anzac Bridge from the Glebe Foreshore Walking Trail. Whilst you cannot see the soldiers from this distance, it is a great point from which to see not just the Anzac Bridge but also the old Glebe Island Bridge (built 1890) and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. From here, you can see all 3 bridges lined up together. The metal and steel span of the Anzac Bridge towers over the historic Glebe Island Swing Bridge below and in the background, is the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It makes an excellent photo.
Écrit le 8 mars 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Sydney, Australie5 961 contributions
juin 2021
Opened in 1995, the ANZAC Bridge links Pyrmont and Glebe Island. it is an eight lane bridge with a pedestrian path for those to walk across. There are two large statues at the end of the bridge commemorating the ANZAC spirit. One of an Australian and one of a New Zealand soldier.
Écrit le 16 août 2021
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Teresa C
Metro Manila, Philippines1 615 contributions
août 2021
A grand design that is worth walking across and viewing. Memorial to fallen soldiers is suitably humble, yet fitting as reminder for those who gave their lives.
Écrit le 15 août 2021
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Nakatsu, Japon2 571 contributions
août 2020
ハーバー・ブリッジと同様にシドニーを代表するもうひとつの橋が「アンザック・ブリッジ」です。1995年の建設当初はその地名をとって”Glebe Island Bridge”という名前だったのですが、1998年、現在の名前に改称されました。
このANZACとは、Australia New Zealand Army Corpsも頭文字を集めた言葉で、オーストラリア・ニュージーランド連合軍のことです。
このANZACとは、Australia New Zealand Army Corpsも頭文字を集めた言葉で、オーストラリア・ニュージーランド連合軍のことです。
Écrit le 24 juillet 2021
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Jorge L
Nassau, Île de New Providence3 169 contributions
juin 2019
Fácilmente visible desde muchos puntos del oeste de la bahía, este puente fue inaugurado en la década de los 90.
Écrit le 1 mai 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Ed D
Swansea, UK643 contributions
févr. 2020
Always wanted to walk this bridge but never on previous trips to Sydney got the opportunity until now. Not one of the great bridges of the world but nonetheless an important one and a fitting memorial to the anzac troops who gave so much in gallipoli.
Écrit le 8 février 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Ferrara, Italie3 738 contributions
août 2019
This day was very nice and sunny and we were already leaving Sydney after a wonderful stay there. Although our passing through the bridge was swift and brief we found out that this bridge was formerly the Glebe Island Bridge.
Then on Remembrance Day, 11 November 1998, the New South Wales Government bestowed the bridge to the New South Wales Returned Serviceman’s League for re-naming as ‘The ANZAC Bridge’ as a memorial to members from both sides of the Tasman who formed the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps - the ANZACs.
The monument located at the western end of the bridge is of an Australian soldier, and on the eastern end of the bridge is a monument of a New Zealand soldier. A handful of sand from Gallipoli rests under the foot of the digger as a permanent connection with comrades who fell and remain at the Gallipoli Battlefield in Turkey.
The four meter bronze statue of an Australian World War One Digger was placed on the western end monument on the 25th April 2000. The statue of the New Zealand soldier was officially dedicated on the 27th April 2008.
We did not missed whilst passing these details, but we shall have spent a bit more time I accept.
Nonetheless for those who would like to give themselves the time to check out the Anzac Bridge here I leave you with its coordinates for easy reach. As follows:
Located at Western Distributor Freeway, Rozelle, 2039 in Sydney NSW.
Lat: -33.867778 | Long: 151.181389.
Enjoy it please keep reading our very interesting and in depth reviews on everything: Attractions, Hotels, Restaurants, Museums, Airports and basically anything that is of interest and has a public service. Stay tuned.
Then on Remembrance Day, 11 November 1998, the New South Wales Government bestowed the bridge to the New South Wales Returned Serviceman’s League for re-naming as ‘The ANZAC Bridge’ as a memorial to members from both sides of the Tasman who formed the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps - the ANZACs.
The monument located at the western end of the bridge is of an Australian soldier, and on the eastern end of the bridge is a monument of a New Zealand soldier. A handful of sand from Gallipoli rests under the foot of the digger as a permanent connection with comrades who fell and remain at the Gallipoli Battlefield in Turkey.
The four meter bronze statue of an Australian World War One Digger was placed on the western end monument on the 25th April 2000. The statue of the New Zealand soldier was officially dedicated on the 27th April 2008.
We did not missed whilst passing these details, but we shall have spent a bit more time I accept.
Nonetheless for those who would like to give themselves the time to check out the Anzac Bridge here I leave you with its coordinates for easy reach. As follows:
Located at Western Distributor Freeway, Rozelle, 2039 in Sydney NSW.
Lat: -33.867778 | Long: 151.181389.
Enjoy it please keep reading our very interesting and in depth reviews on everything: Attractions, Hotels, Restaurants, Museums, Airports and basically anything that is of interest and has a public service. Stay tuned.
Écrit le 6 février 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
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