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Thorufoss et attractions proches : les meilleures façons d'en profiter
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18 avis
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Düsseldorf, Allemagne682 contributions
oct. 2024 • Entre amis
We went there because it was on our way, and we took a nap. It is worth visiting there, the waterfall is very nice and worth going there
Écrit le 3 octobre 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Maria Solange O
Farroupilha, RS31 159 contributions
sept. 2024 • En famille
Thorufoss falls from a cliff amidst the rocks and the lush nature. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to walk along a trail, so wear clothes and shoes suitable for trekking. Access is free as well as parking.
Écrit le 1 octobre 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
New York, État de New York233 contributions
août 2023 • En famille
I really enjoyed my visit to Þórufoss as it was much less quiet compared to the other waterfalls we visited during our trip to Iceland. Although there were still some cars and people around, it felt significantly more intimate and special because the vast landscape makes you truly appreciate the awe and beauty of Iceland.
The parking lot is a little patch of dirt off the side of the road, but you can choose to either walk over to the grassy overlook across from the actual falls, or hike the rocky little trail to the foot of the falls. The terrain is a little uneven so I would recommend wearing sturdy hiking shoes.
The parking lot is a little patch of dirt off the side of the road, but you can choose to either walk over to the grassy overlook across from the actual falls, or hike the rocky little trail to the foot of the falls. The terrain is a little uneven so I would recommend wearing sturdy hiking shoes.
Écrit le 4 mars 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Ljubljana, Slovénie127 contributions
nov. 2023 • Entre amis
This unique place is located near the route of Golden Circle and is nice to go there early in the morning when is no other tourist and sun is rising above the waterfall.
Écrit le 10 novembre 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Oxford, UK941 contributions
août 2023
Having done the Ring Road - this was our last Iceland waterfall. It’s as good as any other - but what makes it stand out is the lack of other people there. Small free car park with 10 minute pathway down. Worth the slight detour and stop.
Écrit le 14 août 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Édimbourg, UK616 contributions
mai 2023 • En famille
This is a stunning quiet spot! We practically had the whole place to ourselves. It was the first waterfall we’d seen on our Golden Circle trip! Beautiful. I believe it was used for filming Game of Thrones. But top tip - don’t bother going if you’ve already seen Gullfoss. It may disappoint!
Écrit le 22 mai 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Heli K
Lappeenranta, Finlande1 686 contributions
mars 2023
We had a Golden Circle private tour with some extra Game of Thrones locations. Thorufoss waterfall was our first stop and of course our first waterfall in Iceland. It is a beautiful place and there were no other people. Just the best way to visit nature's wonders - just you and the nature (and of course this case your guide :) ) It is very easy to find - just a short drive from the main route - even if you are touring on your own. At summertime also great place for picnic.
Écrit le 10 mars 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Carlisle, UK60 contributions
oct. 2022
A nice waterfall that is a bit off the beaten track. Not hard to get to, and was also a filming location for Game of Thrones. The weather seemed much rougher here than even ten miles away. We enjoyed what was really our first Iceland stop. Hardly any other people.
Écrit le 25 octobre 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Menai, Australie734 contributions
juin 2022
We visited twice, mainly due to weather (which wasn't that bad the first visit) and there was noone else there either time.
Pity as it is a nice waterfall that is not hard to get to nor far from the main road to Thingvellir
Pity as it is a nice waterfall that is not hard to get to nor far from the main road to Thingvellir
Écrit le 17 juillet 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Lucy Elizabeth
Londres, UK23 contributions
oct. 2021 • En couple
I do not understand why so few people know about this place! We absolutely loved visiting here, it was just us right until we were leaving when another couple arrived.
It only takes 5 mins to get down to next to the waterfall from the car & you can get really close.
It’s beautiful & we will definitely pay another visit on any future trips to Iceland!
It only takes 5 mins to get down to next to the waterfall from the car & you can get really close.
It’s beautiful & we will definitely pay another visit on any future trips to Iceland!
Écrit le 27 octobre 2021
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
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