Reserva Natural Villavicencio
Reserva Natural Villavicencio
Reserva Natural Villavicencio
De 09:30 à 17:30
09:30 - 17:30
09:30 - 17:30
09:30 - 17:30
09:30 - 17:30
09:30 - 17:30
À propos
Durée : Plus de 3 heures
Conforme au règlement sur le bien-être animal
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Diego Luis González
District fédéral autonome de Buenos Aires, Argentine19 contributions
janv. 2025 • En famille
Incredible views I even recommend climbing to the Vicencio villa Snails and enjoying the new attractions of the resort!!! ZipLine 1500 meters!!! Very beautiful!!!.
Écrit le 29 janvier 2025
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
El Palomar, Argentine42 contributions
janv. 2025 • En couple
Beautiful place to spend the afternoon and tour. I went with my partner and my brothers-in-law to tour the nature reserve, where we found various activities such as trekking, climbing among the trees, and being able to have lunch. I highly recommend taking the free guided tours of the place, which usually take place every 1 hour, where they will explain the history of the hotel.
Écrit le 11 janvier 2025
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Gabi B
Buenos Aires, Argentine42 contributions
nov. 2024 • En solo
The place is very nice, finally the house of the photo live! and you can take direct water from the spring. There is a very interesting talk about the history of the place and perhaps, a possible future. The road to arrive in spring, full of rivets, is beautiful. There are some adventurous attractions: zip-lining and tree walks.
In my case, I hired an excursion with an expectation that was not met. But it's a personal matter.
I went on the all-day excursion in 4x4. You leave with that transport from Mendoza city and are not very comfortable for en route travel. Every stop you had to go down and then climb up a small staircase, nothing terrible but not for anyone.
When you arrive at the reservation, you are allowed 4 hours to "enjoy" the place, but if you do not do any of the adventure experiences (and even if you do some) there is plenty of time with nothing to do. In particular it took me almost two hours to coincide with a school group and their screams were heard from all sides! When they left, because there are shorter excursions, if you could enjoy the peace of the place.
The attraction of this excursion is from the reserve, make a few kilometers up the precordillera to see the house from above. On that way you can get in the seat and take a body part out. It shakes a lot and as it loses perspective, it gives a little vertigo when you stop seeing the road.
To compensate, the guide was very careful of everyone all the time, told us many things and was always willing to answer all our queries. Thank you!!!
In my case, I hired an excursion with an expectation that was not met. But it's a personal matter.
I went on the all-day excursion in 4x4. You leave with that transport from Mendoza city and are not very comfortable for en route travel. Every stop you had to go down and then climb up a small staircase, nothing terrible but not for anyone.
When you arrive at the reservation, you are allowed 4 hours to "enjoy" the place, but if you do not do any of the adventure experiences (and even if you do some) there is plenty of time with nothing to do. In particular it took me almost two hours to coincide with a school group and their screams were heard from all sides! When they left, because there are shorter excursions, if you could enjoy the peace of the place.
The attraction of this excursion is from the reserve, make a few kilometers up the precordillera to see the house from above. On that way you can get in the seat and take a body part out. It shakes a lot and as it loses perspective, it gives a little vertigo when you stop seeing the road.
To compensate, the guide was very careful of everyone all the time, told us many things and was always willing to answer all our queries. Thank you!!!
Écrit le 4 janvier 2025
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Sebastian B
Buenos Aires, Argentine409 contributions
déc. 2024 • En couple
Excellent visit to the iconic Hotel. All their stories and the visit to the annexed Chapel, by the excellent guide Daniela, which left for the end an unexpected surprise. Highly recommended if you are in Mendoza.
Écrit le 2 janvier 2025
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Claudia C
Buenos Aires, Argentine81 contributions
nov. 2024 • En couple
It is a Nature Reserve where you will learn about its flora and fauna. It is an area protected by the biodiversity of its species as by its hot springs. The famous Hotel Villavicencio is located there. Along with the ticket (I recommend you buy it earlier online because they are cheaper) there is a guide that explains the history of it as the work being done to be able to visit it in the future in its entirety.
Congratulations to National Parks for the work and effort they take care of everything.
Congratulations to National Parks for the work and effort they take care of everything.
Écrit le 1 décembre 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Evelina B
San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentine32 contributions
août 2024 • En couple
Beautiful environment to walk, learn from the history of the place, its fauna and flora.
A special outing, because we just hit one day with snow, which painted everything white.
A special outing, because we just hit one day with snow, which painted everything white.
Écrit le 22 août 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
São Paulo, SP139 contributions
mai 2024 • Entre amis
come on, incredible place, exceptional beauty even covered in snow, terrible infrastructure! I was cold, there was no comfort in the cafeteria. The place has a lot of potential for improvement.
Écrit le 27 mai 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Gabriela M
La Plata, Argentine10 contributions
mai 2024 • En couple
Beautiful place to visit. It is worth exploring the surroundings, appreciating nature and listening to its sounds. The guide's explanation of the place is very interesting. Learn about its magnificent history of Villavicencio. I advise drinking your mineral water and enjoying it.
Écrit le 12 mai 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Raúl D
San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentine78 contributions
avr. 2024 • En famille
The place is beautiful, lots of nature. There were a lot of people and lines to buy activities like zip lining (perhaps because it was a long weekend).
Écrit le 12 mai 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Agencias M
3 contributions
févr. 2024 • En famille
The Reserve is a paradisiacal place less than an hour from Mendoza, you can also enjoy all the activities of the Villavicencio Park complex with games from 3 years old, highlighting the zipline, 1.5km long zip line, impressive flying over those mountains. We recommend going with the Andes Truck excursion that allows you to climb the snails and reach several viewpoints, where you can see guanacos, foxes and many condors.
Écrit le 17 février 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Creo que no hay buses de línea hasta la reserva. Tendrías que contratar un tour. Ahi los precios son variables
Rédigé le 8 février 2022
porque no dejar ver a la planta embotelladora de agua mineral Villavicencio?, yo quiero saber porque? mi tio fue a visitar la decada 90 (1990), habia gustado mucho ver como hacia los procesos antes de sacar el agua manantial, pasos a pasos. Me llama la atencion... Lei habia declarado historico en el hostel pero es muy raro sin visita. Es lindo saber para todos visitadores, estudiantes primarias, secundarias y universitarios, etc..
Rédigé le 24 février 2020
La planta embotelladora queda a kilometros del hotel
Rédigé le 24 février 2020
Buenas tardes, se puede llegar en auto? Hay nieve barro o algo que lo impida a principios de julio? Gracias desde ya.
Rédigé le 24 juin 2019
Hola aine,si se puede llegar en auto,pero es un camimo muy complicado,nosotros fuimos en un camion y no tuvimos problemas,se llama andes truck y son los unicos que entran,saludos
Rédigé le 25 juin 2019
hola...en marzo se puede recorrer el camino del caracol de villavicencio y apreciar bien sus bellezas o hay q hacerlo unos meses antes?pregunto porque capaz q en marzo ya comienza las neblinas.....gracias
Rédigé le 24 février 2019
Hola! Todavía tenés unas semanas con buen clima! Para fines de abril se empieza a complicar, tené en cuenta que en altura si hay nubes va a estar un poco obstruida la visión pero nada que te complique el paisaje, todo lo contrario! Disfrútalo que es genial!
Rédigé le 25 février 2019
Cuanto tiempo demora una visita a la reserva aproximadamente? Lo quiero combinar con otra actividad si es poco tiempo. Gracias!
Rédigé le 13 janvier 2019
Hola, como dijeron antes la visita en si a la reserva dura 45 min aprox. Pero combinando con el paseo de caracoles son 2 horas mas..nuestra excursion saliendo desde mendoza a las 9am duro hadta las 17hs
Rédigé le 14 janvier 2019
Uy, yo fui hace 2 meses no sabría decirte, pero si debe estar frío por la epoca.
Rédigé le 21 juillet 2018
Hola! Lamentablemente encontrar nevada la reserva es muy difícil... Obviamente deberíamos tener un invierno muy frío (hasta ahora no lo es), para que puedas visitarla pintada de blanco, caso contrario, será poco probable (no imposible). Finales de Julio o principio de Agosto es donde en la cordillera se registran más nevadas, así que por ahí algunas nubes llegan hasta la reserva y caen las nevadas de la foto de la botella de agua mineral... Te recomiendo descargar la app Snowforecast, podrías configurar alertas de nieve en esa zona y con unos cuantos días de anticipación tendrías altas probabilidades.... Espero que te sea útil mi respuesta... Saludos
Rédigé le 9 juillet 2017
Hola. Hay transporte publico desde la Ciudad de Mendoza al Hotel de Villavicencio?
Rédigé le 30 mai 2017
Lamentablemente no hay transporte público hasta la reserva Villavicencio, sólo vas a poder llegar en vehículo propio o alquilado, contratando una excursión o tomando un taxi (desde el centro de la ciudad es un viaje de 30 minutos). Por las dudas, antes había un restaurante en el que podías almorzar (con jamones que sólo en España podrías encontrar), pero está cerrado, así que deberías llevar unos sándwiches si vas a estar un buen rato recorriendo porque hay un anfiteatro natural donde podrías hacer un pic nic (si el tiempo lo permite) que no vas a olvidar jamás... No hace falta que te lleves agua o gaseosas (salvo que haya un hipertenso en el grupo), ya que todo el complejo tiene agua Villavicencio en cada una de sus canillas...
Rédigé le 31 mai 2017
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