Karakoram Mountains

Karakoram Mountains

Karakoram Mountains
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1 dans un rayon de 10 km

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4,5 sur 5 bulles14 avis
Très bon

Fara Mohd
Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie45 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
oct. 2023 • En solo
Journey of a lifetime. Never been and seen how big these mountain range is. It was so amazing and majestic. The view change from one area to another. Even for an hours of journey, it is never bored me
Écrit le 28 octobre 2023
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Skierniewice, Pologne15 665 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
sept. 2021
Po drodze z Fairy Meadows do Karimabadu czyli dawnej stolicy księstwa Hunzy zrobiliśmy obowiązkowy postój w Juglot . Nieduża miejscowość ok 50 km od Gilgit położona jest na wysokości 1988m n.p.m. Tu u zbiegu rzek Indus i Gilgit jest również miejsce jeszcze innego i bardziej spektakularnego połączenia. Właśnie tu spotykają się 3 najwyższe pasma górskie na świecie . Przy Samej Karakoram Higway znajduje się parking i platforma widokowa do oglądania wszystkich 3 pasm z jednego miejsca . Spotkanie Hindukuszu z Himalajami i górami Karakoram robi niesamowite wrażenie . Będąc w okolicy nie powinieneś przegapić tego miejsca .
Écrit le 28 janvier 2022
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Bergame, Italie124 790 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
sept. 2019
Durante il viaggio in Pakistan abbiamo visitato la regione dominata dalla catena del Karakoram spingendoci lungo la Karakoram Highway fino al confine cinese del Khunjerab Pass. Le montagne della catena sono davvero imponenti, raggruppando una serie di famosi “ottomila” e tante altre cime di oltre settemila metri. Area ricca di ghiacciai che, anche se in ritiro come ovunque nel mondo, sono ancora imponenti. Panorami incredibili e interessante anche il contatto con le popolazioni delle valli. Viaggio indimenticabile.
Écrit le 19 août 2020
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Amazing Santan
Durgapur, Inde205 contributions
4,0 sur 5 bulles
nov. 2019
The view of the Mount Godwin Austen and other peaks in the Karakoram Mountains was amazing and indescribable. The chill in the air even an noon time was wonderful.
Écrit le 4 novembre 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Saf S
4 contributions
1,0 sur 5 bulles
oct. 2018 • Entre amis
Started planning K2 base camp trek in Pakistan in March 2018
Selected the silver package at cost of $1589 ( paid deposit of $250 upon application ) with local tour operator
Vertical Explorers based in Islamabad with operations manager Syed and a sub office in Skardu with his brother Saif managing this.
20 day package with 14 days cold camping and 6 days travel.
Communication was good in begining but declined rapidly after paying deposit, in fact almost non existent until arrival at Islamabad airport where Syed arrived in a old minibus to pick up 3 of us trekkers to our hotel.
I do not recommend vertical Explorers at all, from the outset, their services were highly unprofessional,I actually felt embarrassed for our two fellow trekkers from Austrailia and reassured them this was not what Pakistani hospitality is usually like.

We received no trek permits prior to our arrival and these were then delayed by one day , leaving us a day short on the trek, satellite phone which was apparently our lifeline was out of credit and could not be used when we required it for emergency, solar chargers were not working, tents leaked and far too small, constantly harassed to provide tips to drivers, porters, guide etc, harassed by porters to give our trekking gear to them upon end of trek, being lied that roads would be closed at Askoli upon our return so we had to rush our trek and cut it down to 10 days instead of 14 days with the porters/ guide getting paid full amount whether we finished early or not, being cramped in vehicles to Askoli from Skardu and upon return journey provided a jeep with no tread on tyres which got two punctures and no spare tyre.
I could go on, the whole organisation of the trek by the tour operator was a shambles, highly unprofessional and I would definitely not recommend this tour operator to anyone.
They even charged two of our trekkers $250 and $400 respectively to being them back down by mules to Askoli from Khoburse after they fell unwell, something they do often as extra income, the company provided no fort air, safe return passage in case if illness etc.
Écrit le 2 octobre 2018
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Lian D
Pékin, Chine48 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
oct. 2017
Karakoram is quite different from Himalaya. It is good to go in the hot summer. K2 is amazing and Condogorola pass is very hard to pass compare with Chola pass of EBC in Nepal.
Écrit le 5 septembre 2018
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

(Pakistan Travel & Tours)
Lahore, Pakistan40 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
oct. 2016
If you are a traveler, mountaineer, and adventurist person then you need to must visit this Himalayas region, especially which is located in Pakistan because you see world top 10 highest peaks in this region with beautiful landscape, lakes, rivers, waterfalls and much more than you can imagen.
Écrit le 19 avril 2017
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Islamabad, Pakistan2 890 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
déc. 2016 • En famille
Karakoram Mountain Range could be termed as overall the second highest mountain range in the world. Out of 14 Eight Thousanders in the world (peaks over 8000 meters), 10 are in the Himalayan Range and 4 are in Karakoram Range. No other mountain range in the world has a peak over 8000 meters. While the great Himalayan Range stretches through many countries (Nepal, China, India, Pakistan), the Karakoram Range lies mostly in Pakistan.
As compared to Himalaya, Karakorm is a relatively smaller range in its overall span, however, the average height in Karakoram is quiet high.
The Eight Thousanders that are part of Karakoram Range include K2 (8611 meter, 2nd in the world), Gasherbrum I (8080 meter, 11th in the world), Broad Peak (8051 meters, 12th in the world) and Gasherbrum II (8035 meter, 13th in the world).
Other famous peaks in Karakoram Range that fall in the top 50 mountain peaks in the world include Gasherbrum IV (7925 meter, 17th in the world), Distaghil Sar (7889 meter, 19th in the world), Kunyang Chhish (7852 meter, 21st in the world), Masherbrum (7821 meter, 22nd in the world), Batura I (7795 meter, 25th in the world), Kanjut Sar (7790 meter, 26th in the world), Rakaposhi (7788 meter, 27th in the world), Chogolisa (7665 meter, 36th in the world), Shispare (7611 meter, 38th in the world), Trivor (7577 meter, 39th in the world), Skyang Kangri (7545 meter, 44th in the world).
In all, out of 50 top mountain peaks in the world, 30 are in Himalayan Range, 15 are in Karakoram Range, 3 are in Eastern Pamir Range, 1 in Pamir Range and 1 in Hengduan Shan Range. One can clearly see that Himalaya and Karakoram enjoy a monopoly when it comes to the highest peaks in the world.
From Gilgit onward, Karakoram Highway passes exclusively through Karakoram Range and provides excellent view of various peak. Though the highest peaks of Karakoram Range are concentrated around Baltoro Galcier which is a far flung area and can not be reach on a vehicle. Karakoram Highway, from Gilgit to Khunjerab Pass provide breathtaking views of some of the smaller (but famous) peak of the mighty Karakoram Range. Karakoram is rugged, steep and inhospitable but the greaat KKH snakes effortlessly through the majestic Karakoram Range.
If anyone has been to Pakistan and hasn't traveled through the Karakoram Range (portion of KKH between Gilgit to Khunjerab Pass), he / she has missed a lot. Any Pakistani who hasn't seen Karakoram Mountains should do it in the first opportunity.........who knows
Écrit le 11 mars 2017
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Michael R
Rottenbach, Allemagne17 216 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
juin 2016 • En solo
Mit Ausnahme der Japanischen und Neuseeländischen Alpen kenne ich eigentlich alle Gebirge der Welt. Wenn man mich fragt, welches das schönste aller Gebirge wäre, dann nähme der Karakorum mit Sicherheit einen Platz unter den top five ein. Und wenn ich ihn besser kennenlernen würde (bislang habe ich ihn zwei Mal mit Muße passiert, einmal per öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, einmal per Fahrrad), dann hätte er gute Chancen, in meiner Liste ganz nach vorne zu rutschen. Einfach zu erreichen, das sei allerdings hinzugefügt, ist er weniger, zumal je nach Sicherheitslage einzelne Teilgebiete besser gemieden werden sollten.

Erst nördlich Gilgit, d.h. in der Hunza-Region, die überwiegend von der sehr moderaten Religionsgruppe der Ismaeliten besiedelt ist, kann man sich weitgehend unbeschwert aufhalten. Hier befinden sich auch die schönsten Gebirgsabschnitte, sieht man von dem großen, recht abgelegenen Gebiet namens Baltistan über Skardu mit dem K2, Broad Peak, Hidden Peak, Masherbrum und Saltoro Kangri ab, die ich nicht kenne, aber über das ich begeisterndes vernommen habe. Kennzeichnend für diese wie auch für die Hunza-Region, also für die „Northern Areas“ Pakistans, sind die gewaltigen Gletscher, die von den zahlreichen 7000- und 8000endern herunter strömen und die Region zur gletscherreichsten der Nordhemisphäre außerhalb Grönlands machen. Dank des Karakorum Highway (KKH) sind jene Gebirgsmassive um den Rakaposhi nahe Karimabad am einfachsten zu erreichen, das sich zugleich als Zentrum einer intensiven Landnutzung mit ausgeklügelten Bewässerungskulturen auszeichnet (siehe auch Hunza-Tal). Es handelt sich um eine wunderschöne und gepflegte Kulturlandschaft mit allen Grüntönen im recht trockenen, ansonsten kargen Talgrund, die von bizarren Felstürmen und gewaltigen Eisriesen überragt wird. So befindet sich hier einer der größten Geländesprünge auf der Erde, denn vom Hunzatal bei Ghulmet (1865 m ü.M.) bis zum Gipfel des Rakaposhi (7788 m ü.M.) beläuft sich die Höhendifferenz auf fast 6 km über eine Distanz von nur 11 km!

In den Sommermonaten ist blauer Himmel bei strahlender Sonne durchweg gewährleistet, da sich die Monsune weiter südlich, d.h. etwa an der Südflanke des Nanga Parbat abregnen. Eine Möglichkeit, in diese grandiose Region zu gelangen, ohne die Krisenregionen Pakistans zu queren, besteht von Taxkorgan in China aus, wohin man dann mit einem double entry-Visum zurückkehren könnte. – Mühsam, aber äußerst empfehlenswert für Bergfreaks, die eine überaus beeindruckende Gebirgsszenerie in angenehmer menschlicher Umgebung einfach nur genießen wollen, ohne zwingend Alpinisten zu sein.
Écrit le 20 janvier 2017
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Dallas, TX1 236 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
juin 2016 • En couple
The Karakoram Mountains extend all the way in Northern Pakistan, and we were fortunate to experience it by driving from the Khunjerab Pass (16,200ft) border crossing with China all thru the HUnza Valley to Gilgit, and then onto Skardu and Khaplu.
Highly recommended for scenic country with snow capped mountains and glacier rivers; as well as for Trekking and Mountain Climbing.
If the Pakistani Govt can develop this area; the tourist potential is enormous
Écrit le 18 septembre 2016
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Résultats 1-10 sur 14
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