Mount Hengshan

Mount Hengshan

De 08:00 à 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
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4,0 sur 5 bulles183 avis
Très bon

Los Angeles, Californie15 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
mars 2024 • En solo
I had an amazing experience hiking mount hengshan with the exception with one thing. I foolishly followed the advice of another hiker that wrote a review who did not actually hike the entire trail. I am a reasonably fit person and I hiked from the base of the mountain from 10am to 4:30pm for a total distance of 10 miles, only to get to 南天门. Since I was staying in Changsha, I could not risk hiking the entire way up, which was another 3 miles up, since the bus line down the mountain stopped at 5:30pm. I was staying outside the city so I needed to make sure I could get to the train station in time to get home. Plus I’m pretty sure I would have died from exhaustion. The misguided advice of the previous reviewer stated that she took the cable car a quarter’s way up to 南天门 but could have easily hiked up the entire mountain. That is BS. It took me 4 hours to get to that half way point at 南天门. It only took 2 hours to hike to the quarter way point where the cable car was.

Overall, I would have liked to go all the way up, but I should have started a lot earlier in the day.
Écrit le 31 mars 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Cleveland, OH16 contributions
2,0 sur 5 bulles
mars 2024 • En solo
Note Hengshan 衡山 or Nanyue 南岳 are the names of the mountain range, Zhurong 祝融 is the peak that is the focus of the scenic area.

I took a high speed train to Hengshan West 衡山西. It was late so there were no buses and the taxis refused to turn on the meter so I was quoted 30 元 to go to Nanyue 南岳 town and I went with that. The tourist center 游客中心 opens at 8am and the next day I arrived shortly after opening. Before entering the building I waited 30 minutes in a pen then they allowed groups of us to enter the building in waves. There are separate tickets for entrance and the bus and they can both be booked online or at the center. If you don’t take the bus you don’t need to go to the center. In the building there was another 15 minute wait for the bus. The bus then drove to a temple about 1.5km from the peak, making stops along the way. At the top I walked to and from the peak then took the bus back to the tourist center.

The mountain is very gradual and I would have preferred to hike to the top. But most of the trek up and down is along the narrow roadway that the buses take and they are very numerous and drive fast so it’s not a good option. There are a lot of tight turns and one person on my bus puked and I saw another person puking after they got off. As of March 2024 the old cableway has been decommissioned so that’s not an option. The buses now run to near the top station of the old cableway.

I went on a Sunday and it was some sort of special occasion as the place was packed and everybody was herded like cattle. The scenery is nice but nothing like Tianmen Mountain 天门山, which I had visited right before. The temples on the mountain aren’t special, Grand Temple of Hengshan 南岳大庙 at the base of the mountain is the special one。This is not a good site for hiking because of the need to walk on the roadway. This mountain is important in Chinese culture but otherwise it’s not that enjoyable to visit.
Écrit le 24 mars 2024
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Canton, Chine182 contributions
3,0 sur 5 bulles
oct. 2019 • Entre amis
Don’t get me wrong, the area is really nice and the view from the peak is really enjoyable.

But I like to hike and to climb the peak on my own. This park has plenty of paths and sometimes it is really hard to decide which one to take (also because the map is very so so).

But latest from the cable car station (around mid-way) that is over. We just managed to find 1 path which is very near the road.

And then the trouble starts. Many people and more buses are driving crazy fast around and honking the horn all the time.

That destroyed it.

I really hoped to find 1 consistent hiking path upwards of o the peak without crossing the street etc. But seems there is not.
Écrit le 22 octobre 2019
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Singapour, Singapour7 512 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
avr. 2019 • En solo
Let me share with you my experience in visiting Hengshan.

Most convenient way is to take the high speed train to Hengshan West Station (衡山西站). Upon exiting the station, turn right and walk towards the bus station. The buses are privately operated and will only depart when full. Fare is 6 rmb, journey is about 15 mins. Bus final stop is at Nanyue town, i.e. Nanyue Bus Station (南岳汽车站).

I stayed in Caishen Hotel (Hengyang Nanyue Hengshan) 財神酒店 (衡陽南嶽衡山店), about 100m straight ahead at Nanyue Bus Station. Please see my separate review of hotel.

Transport to base of Hengshan:
I was pleasantly surprised the bus rides within Nanyue town is free of charge, including tourists. To go to the base of Hengshan, I need to walk about 10 mins to the Hengshan Memorial Arch (衡山牌坊), located at the junction of 2 main roads, i.e. Zhurong Road and Hengshan Road. There is a bus stop just outside Dicos, which is not obvious as there is no bus stand. You will likely see locals/travelers waiting for buses there. Just ask around. You can take bus no. 1 or 3, just 5 mins ride.

Exploring Hengshan:
All travelers will make their ways to Zhurong Peak, which is the highest peak in Hengshan. A Taoist temple resides at the top, with many locals offering incense & prayers.

There are various options from Hengshan base to Zhurong Peak:
Option 1 - Minimum climbing. Take bus from base to midway and then take cable car to near summit.
Option 2 - Hike from base to midway and then take cable car to near summit.
Option 3 - Take bus from base to midway and hike to Zhurong Peak.
Option 4 - Maximum climbing - hike from base to Zhurong Peak.

For options 1 & 2, after the cable car ride, there is still another 1 hour uphill climb along the road to reach Zhurong peak. Initially, I wanted to do option 4 but ended up doing option 2. I started the hike at 0900hr and arrived midway at 1200hr. The weather forecast was drizzling in the later afternoon (though it didn’t actually). I decided to take the cable car to save time and conserve energy. The cable car ride is less than 10 mins, 44 rmb for one way ride. I finally arrived at Zhurong Peak around 1400hr.
I started my descent around 1445hr to midway and took the bus down to mountain base. It was 1620hr and I still has sufficient time to visit the Nanyue Temple.

Some tips and additional comments after my trip:
1. If you are generally fit, I recommend you to hike from the mountain base instead of taking the bus. In this case, just head to the mountain entrance, which is directly across the Nanyue Temple back entrance. You will find a ticketing counter after a few mins walk. You need NOT go to the visitor centre to purchase the entrance ticket, as it is meant for those taking the bus. I wasted 20 mins for that.

2. Wear comfortable shoes. Preferably bring along trekking poles. The climb is uphill all the way.

3. You can choose to walk along the roadside meant for vehicles for the entire hike. However, I strongly recommend you take the more scenic/natural route after about 15 mins up. There is a sign directing you to take the hiking path to your right. The path leads to a lake & a few small waterfalls. There are several signs with pictures and English explanation of the various rock formations. I enjoyed this nature path the most, with gushing sounds of rushing streams along the way. It was so peaceful as I only met a few local travelers.

4. There are many food stalls and restaurants midway near the cable car station. I had a quick lunch there. Price is reasonable.

5. Toilet facilities are available in the scenic area. Bring along wet wipes or tissue papers.

If you find this post helpful in planning your trip, kindly click "Helpful". Thanks so much.
Écrit le 10 mai 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Masha Zubkova
Moscou, Russie158 contributions
5,0 sur 5 bulles
mars 2019 • Entre amis
Очень интересное и небанальное место в Китае, у которого много преимуществ. Начиная с +/- небольшой популярности этого места (следовательно не очень большого количества людей), заканчивая тем, что это один из святых даосских пиков, на котором огромное количество монастырей и храмов, а также множество приятных природных объектов.
Мы ездили на гору на 2 дня и этого времени мало, чтобы без спешки обойти ключевые места и при этом получить удовольствие от происходящего. На мой взгляд надо иметь в запасе хотя бы 3 дня, а больше будет приятным бонусом.

Финансовый вопрос: билеты из Чанши на поезд скоростные 80ю, обычные около 30ю, на автобус билет брать не вижу особо смысла, но он тоже есть. Вход в парк в низкий сезон 80 юаней, автобус туда-обратно столько же (студентам китайских вузов скидка 50%). Транспорт живёт где-то до 5 часов вечера. Еда на горе с наценочкой, любимая стоимость 20ю. Столько мы отдали за лапшичку с мясом и яйцом, за обед с рисом и вкусностями. Жилье на горе представлено активно, мы ночевали совсем высоко и ближе к пику, стоило 250ю за весьма спартанские условия (2 кровати с электроодеялами, жуткая влажность и отсутствие обогрева, интерьеры поношены, звукоизоляция как и во всем Китае), чуть ниже было много гостинок гораздо более демократичных цен. В несезон договориться на месте было не проблемой даже с небогатым словарным запасом. Приятно, что люди, которые не могут много ходить, могут арендовать себе дядю на байке или носильщиков. Удовольствие однако недешевое (за носильщиков около 100ю было написано, но мы не пробовали, точных цен не знаю)

Маршрут: подниматься в гору мы решили на автобусе, ехали мы где-то 20 минут, автобус довез до начала пешего подъема на пик. Оттуда дошли до гостинки (где-то полчаса в одну сторону), а от нее уже вышли на подъем. Подъем равномерный, дорожки везде есть, но особо не пробежишься. Там мы встретили закат. Утром спустились на подъемнике вниз и оттуда ножками до города с заходом в храмы и залипанием в природу. В 5 вечера нам нужно было на автобус в Хенъян.

Из запомнившегося: очень красивые виды у самого начала подъема, около Huayan озера, Poetic Rock Forest, сам Zhurong Peak. Подъемник не стоит усилий, особенно, если нужно стоять в очереди на него. В стеклянный трамвай набивают около 50 человек битком, стекла грязные, места нет, видами полюбоваться не получится. Отдельного внимания заслуживает Shenzhou Temple. Напишу отдельный отзыв.
Écrit le 3 avril 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Un membre de Tripadvisor
3,0 sur 5 bulles
mars 2019 • Voyage d'affaires
Écrit le 7 mars 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Un membre de Tripadvisor
3,0 sur 5 bulles
juin 2016 • Entre amis
Écrit le 5 mai 2017
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Billy F
Macao, Portugal167 contributions
3,0 sur 5 bulles
avr. 2016 • En solo
地方漂亮 但沒用 買了門票包含電平車 那我坐到南台寺 當我看完南台寺其實很早 我找車回去磨境台打算沿路回去 他們說沒車 那麼近 叫我用走的吧 時間很早 才3點下午 是那招 那邊的人很沒禮貎 收完錢跟本沒服務 就坑錢 收完錢不理你 幸好我覺得國內遊總是沒譜 所以反過來走 幸好我反過來走 不然就被你們把了我一道 感覺極度不良好 一直都推銷人要燒香 國內很普遍
Écrit le 15 octobre 2016
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Un membre de Tripadvisor
3,0 sur 5 bulles
août 2016 • En famille
Écrit le 6 août 2016
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Un membre de Tripadvisor
4,0 sur 5 bulles
avr. 2016 • Entre amis
Écrit le 5 juillet 2016
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

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