Casa Cenote Standard Room 3

Casa Cenote Standard Room 3

Vous voulez connaître les offres en exclusivité, recevoir des rappels de vos réservations et payer plus vite ?

Vue d'ensemble
1 chambre
1 salle de bain
2 personnes
Durée de séjour minimum variable 
La durée de séjour minimum varie selon les dates sélectionnées
If you are looking for a casual, comfortable, kick-off-your shoes and sink-your-toes into the sand kind of vacation getaway, this is your spot! Your beach bungalow is perched on a strip of white sand at the edge of beautiful turquoise Caribbean waters. You'll be warm under the tropical sun or you can relax under a palm tree, palapa roof or patio in the shade. Your private bungalow is roomy, clean and comfy. Stay in bed and watch the sunrise over the bay, the beach begins just outside your door. All you need to bring to Casa Cenote is your swimsuit, sunscreen and a hearty appetite. Rates at Casa Cenote Bungalows are for 2 guests and include use of snorkeling equipment, kayak, purified bottle water and maid service. Dinner and drinks are not included, but available at the restaurant. All ro...If you are looking for a casual, comfortable, kick-off-your shoes and sink-your-toes into the sand kind of vacation getaway, this is your spot! Your beach bungalow is perched on a strip of white sand at the edge of beautiful turquoise Caribbean waters. You'll be warm under the tropical sun or you can relax under a palm tree, palapa roof or patio in the shade. Your private bungalow is roomy, clean and comfy. Stay in bed and watch the sunrise over the bay, the beach begins just outside your door. All you need to bring to Casa Cenote is your swimsuit, sunscreen and a hearty appetite. Rates at Casa Cenote Bungalows are for 2 guests and include use of snorkeling equipment, kayak, purified bottle water and maid service. Dinner and drinks are not included, but available at the restaurant. All rooms are beachfront with air conditioning, private bathrooms and pool.
Règles de l'établissement
Animaux non autorisésConvient à des enfantsFumeur
Please smoke outside of the room.
1 grand lit
Salles de bains
1 salle de bain complète

Soyez la première personne à écrire un avis

Ce que propose cette location
Équipements extérieurs
  • Piscine partagée (non chauffée)
Wi-Fi et internet
  • Wi-Fi
Équipements intérieurs
  • Accès internet
  • Climatisation
Informations sur l'emplacement
  • Convient à des enfants
  • Parking sécurisé disponible
  • Parking disponible

Cancun Airport
101.4 km

Felipe Carrillo Puerto International Airport
30.2 km
Cervecería Tulum Brewery Restaurant
5.1 km

Oscar & Lalo
3.1 km

Chaman Cuisine
6.9 km

Tz'onot Restaurante
1 min
Parc Xel-Ha
6.9 kmParcs aquatiques

Tulum Archaeological Site
6.9 kmRuines anciennes

Cenotes Sac Actun
6.1 kmGrottes & Cavernes

Tulum Tower
7.2 kmTours et plateformes d'observation
If you plan to adventure around the area, a car is recommended. If you plan to lay low a car is not necessary and for the occasional trip you can take a taxi. There is a Combi, about 2km walk from our property which is a local shuttle to take you to places for a cheap rate.
Voiture non nécessaire

À propos de ce logement

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You can send another message via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox to check if the property is still available. If the owner has listed a phone number, you can also call to follow up. send inquiries to other properties. If you still don't hear from the owner, Tripadvisor recommends that you send inquiries to other properties.

Si le propriétaire approuve votre séjour, il vous indiquera les moyens de paiement acceptés. Ce propriétaire n'accepte pas encore les paiements depuis la boîte de réception Tripadvisor. Vous pouvez lui demander de s'inscrire à ce service, car seuls les paiements effectués la boîte de réception Tripadvisor Rentals sont couverts par notre Protection des paiements.

If you would like payment protection, ask the owner to sign up to accept online payments on Tripadvisor. Payments made via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox are covered by our Payment Protection.

Cet établissement est affilié à   /img2/vacationrentals/brand_refresh/FK_Supplier_Logo.png   Toutes les réservations sont effectuées directement auprès du propriétaire
Établissement #FKN22212897963

Casa Cenote Standard Room 3 | Tripadvisor - Tankah Tres Location de vacances